FEMA Climate Resiliency, Photography and Storytelling Exhibition presents works from artists investigating and sharing the stories of communities and lands that are adapting to a changing climate. From sublime foreshadowing to documentation of the real ways natural hazards affect our lives; artists shine a light on resilient communities and their stories of loss, adaptation, mitigation, and restoration. Tamara Susa’s photographs utilize different times of exposure to underscore that climate change happens continuously and overtime. Bill Nelson’s “Fragile” frames vulnerable lands to grab our attention and meditate on our role as stewards of the environment. Tiana Birrell’s video projection investigates water and energy consumption by data centers in Salt Lake and Utah Valley to make these invisible structures visible. Emilie Upczak’s film “Silt” and Warm Cookies of the Revolution’s video offer personal and poetic methods of adaptation and resilience by highlighting familial, ancestral, and contemporary strategies of responding, processing, and grieving what seems beyond our control, but necessary to face. Making Waves for Great Salt Lake creates intimate relationships with the Great Sale Lake, its creatures, and connected waterbodies. We invite you to engage and contribute to the work of Making Waves for Great Salt Lake and Rebecca Peebles as part of this regional story of climate resiliency.
About FEMA ArtWorks
ArtWorks is a FEMA program that connects the arts with hazard mitigation. This is part of FEMA’s Region 8, which includes Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 29 Tribal Nations. The goal is to help communities grow more aware and able to protect themselves from natural risks, such as floods, wildfire, drought, and climate change. The program reframes conversations on how to reduce hazard risks before disasters. Its tools are creative, emotional, sensory and community-oriented interpretations through the arts. Climate resilience photography and storytelling is the focus. The ArtWorks team aims to highlight climate resilience across the diverse range of FEMA Region 8 communities, tribal nations, and individuals. A changing climate impacts us daily.